Fiber Optic Communication

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Entries from 2018-08-01 to 1 month

Cloud Computing vs Grid Computing

For starters, both cloud computing and grid computing are used to provide services through sharing capabilities and resources. And they are very similar concepts which can be easily confused. However, there are some key differences that ca…

OpenvSwitch and OpenFlow: What Are They, What’s Their Relationship?

As software defined networking (SDN) becomes popular in high-bandwidth and dynamic applications (for example, cloud computing), related terms such as OpenvSwitch and OpenFlow are talked a lot by IT technicians. Though they have been introd…

Rack Cable Manager for Data Center Cable Management

As plenty of devices and cables are added into data center cable racks, cable management in racks becomes one of the most pressing challenges for data center managers. To avoid rack cables looking like messy spaghetti, rack cable manager h…